Home » How Your Hair Can Make You Look Younger or Age You?

How Your Hair Can Make You Look Younger or Age You?

by billbelei
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How Your Hair Can Make You Look Younger or Age You?

Most women are looking for different ways that they can keep their youthful look as they age. Many focus on maintaining smooth, healthy skin or even dressing according to the latest trends. However, they often forget one key element of a youthful appearance: great hair.

Can My Hairstyle Make Me Look Younger?

When your hair is full and healthy, it automatically melts the years away to give you a fresh and youthful look. A great hair day is a sure confidence boost no matter your age.

Are you ready to transform your look with great hair? Certain elements can influence just how youthful your hair makes you look. 

Hair Elements that Create a Youthful Look

As you’re exploring ways to make yourself look younger with your hair, it is important to be open to change. For example, you may need to consider trying a new color or cut. Even if you’ve been rocking the same signature hairstyle for many years, you might find that an update makes you feel much more confident. 

There are several ways that your hair can either make you look more youthful or age you:


There’s no one specific hair color that says “youth.” It’s more about the quality of the color than the exact shade.

If you look closely, undyed hair is never only one color. Undyed hair has a considerable natural range of hues that brings a significant level of dimension to its appearance. This level of dimension contributes to the youthful appearance of hair as well as its uniqueness.

Striving for color that is not one-dimensional can contribute to a more natural, youthful look.


When you’re younger, you don’t have to work too hard to have naturally shiny hair. Your scalp’s natural oils are always present, giving your hair a lively shine to compliment its many hues.

Some people even struggle with too much natural oil, which requires more frequent hair washes. However, preserving the natural oils of the scalp is one major reason why daily hair washing isn’t recommended.

Adding some shine to your hair can revive this youthful trait.

Trendy Cut

While some haircut styles are timeless, there is always a new trendy cut hitting the scene that instantly makes women look fashionable. Sometimes, short hair is all the rage, while other times, longer locks are what’s in style.

Certain cut shapes can make your face appear smaller, and bangs can help, too.

Remember how excited you were to try new hairstyles as a teenager? Though some haircut trends come and go, experimenting with your hair is a classic sign of youth and freshness.


Voluminous hair is another classic sign of youth and vitality. Though the level of volume that most women aspire to achieve can change with the trends, a bouncy bob or long, voluminous tresses will always present a youthful look no matter the trend.

Hair Elements that Might Be Aging You

There are some hair elements that tend to age you. Avoiding these elements can help you achieve a younger look:


Since hair shine is often caused by the scalp’s natural oils, many women will start to see a lack of shine as their scalp oils decrease with age. Also, if you color your hair, you may lose the natural shine of undyed hair if your color is too one-dimensional or your hair has become damaged.

This lack of shine in your hair can make for a dull appearance, which can age your look.

Products like Kavella’s recovery lotion, a completely vegan hair mask designed to rejuvenate dull hair and increase shine, can correct this problem. This repairing hair mask is a great leave-in for damaged hair that will have your locks feeling much more youthful and bright in no time.

Outdated or Ill-Fitting Cut

Even if your hair has all the shine and volume you desire, an ill-fitting or outdated haircut is sure to age you. Blunt cuts with no layers or short, unstyled hair can do more harm than good.

Not sure how to find the right haircut for you? Ask your stylist for recommendations! They’ll be able to provide ideas based on your face shape and overall sense of style.


It’s natural that gray or white hair will make a person look a bit older no matter their age. However, did you know that your colored hair could still be aging you even if it’s hiding your grays?

Many women color their hair on a regular basis to cover up gray hair and maintain the shade they’ve always had, but if their dye job lacks subtlety or does not match their skin tone, it’s easy for colored hair to come off as brassy and unnatural. This is especially true for women maintaining a lighter shade with dye.

If you haven’t updated your hair color in a while, it might be time to add some highlights or lowlights to make it look more natural and effortless.


When hair lacks volume and simply hangs limp around your face, it can have a noticeable aging effect. Who wants flat, dull hair at any age?

Your haircut can contribute greatly to your hair’s volume, but if you struggle with flatness with any style, you should try a teasing powder. Volumizing hair products like volumizing powder are incredibly effective for giving your hair that youthful boost it needs.

Also, hair volume powder won’t damage your locks like your teasing brush may have done in decades past. In fact, you’re sure to see positive changes in your hair’s shininess and texture in addition to its youthful volume.  

Why It Matters

No matter your age, it’s important to feel confident in your appearance, and your hair is such a significant part of your look and personal style. That’s why taking care of it should be a top priority.

If you’re unhappy with your current hairstyle but are nervous about changing it, find a hairstylist you love and take the leap! You can always begin with small changes. Nothing creates a more youthful appearance than the confidence that comes with rocking hair you love.

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