Customers have had increasing power over large companies because their opinions and perception matter a lot. The advantage of social media has opened many avenues that previously limited the risk of individual customer perception from destroying large-scale companies’ reputations. Call center service providers now have to increasingly monitor corporate social media as well because large-scale corporate social media cannot be handled without help from professional social media tools and services.
Call Center Outsourcing services have always been very important in standardizing masses of corporate customer and client calls inflow and outflow. Large companies have thousands of calls that can have almost the same concerns that which be answered by dedicated and professional outsourced agents at lower rates. This does not ask for any additional capital and self-hiring requirements.
The advantage of social media is also a means for customers to interact with customer service. The new generation, especially teenagers now do not need to call up the company or any call center Projects service representative for help if they have a problem reading and understanding the product user manual. They can just log on to YouTube and search out “how to videos” and look up all the problems by themselves. These helpful online resources are not specifically provided by the company and random users can contribute.
However, the downside of it all is negative customer reviews. Postings on websites like blogs, Facebook, or Twitter are searchable and permanent. There are always some unhappy customers with any company and if the voice of those few unhappy customers is magnified to a huge extent it can easily tarnish the image that the company tries so hard to create with years of good customer service and care. Furthermore, some customers can just randomly post any complaint on any social media without reaching any call center services representative or helpline first with the complaint.
It is a strong responsibility that has to be realized by companies before it is too late. Companies that do not learn to catch up with this tide of modernity might as well be lost in it. Social media needs to be embraced as an opportunity before it becomes a problem that is a necessity.
There are social media solutions that call center services can provide. Anyone who comments on the company’s Facebook page for example can be replied back through a dedicated call center representative or be called directly if necessary.
Lastly, these means can cut costs by a great amount. Repetitive queries can be answered by future customers by social messages posted by previous customers; therefore the cost of more call traffic is cut. The problems left for call center outsourcing services to solve would actually then be only regarding real and new problems that can give companies only more important, low mass and quality customer feedback that can easily improve business as well. Social Media poses its threats, challenges, and responsibilities but it can overall provide wonderful businesses opportunities for business branding and cost-cutting.